My KC Doula

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Moving While Pregnant

In our fast paced world, more and more families are moving away from their hometowns, college towns and beyond. Gone are the days of families staying in one location as they grow. We are seeing a continued growth in families who are moving during difficult times in their lives including pregnancy, newly postpartum and other such circumstances. 

Many women who move during their pregnancy feel very stressed of what's to come. There's a comfort in knowing that you will see the same OB or midwife practice throughout your pregnancy and postpartum period and it can be very stressful to change that at a moments notice. Forming that trusting bond with a care provider can take a while and when you don't have anyone's past experience to fall back on, it can be hard to know where to go from here. I've outlined three steps to take to have a healthier move while pregnant or newly postpartum. 

1. Find a mommy group- Facebook is inundated with mommy groups, ready and willing to dole out opinions and information. This is the only time I would ever recommend seeking one out! Look for a "pregnant in (your city)" or a "moms of (your city)" group. If you are in Kansas City or the outlying communities Search for "Moms of Kansas City" which is run and moderated by myself or "Pregnant in Kansas City" which is run and moderated by Kansas City Doulas owner Heidi Shulista. Both are excellent starting places to find information about the community, OB's and pediatrician from moms who have been there. 

2. Call around before you move- Don't leave the stress of finding an OB or midwife until after you've moved. You'll have a lot on your plate already. Call now! Ask the OB's you are interested in and ask if they would schedule a skype appointment with you so that you can get to know their personality and demeanor. They want to serve you to the best of their ability and you should feel comfortable with them before you choose them as your care provider. Don't be shy!

3. Find a doula: Birth support is crucial in any birth experience but when you move, it can be an overwhelming time for the whole family. Having birth support that is helpful, knowledgable, professional and works solely for you will help make the transition even easier. Many doula's don't start working for you until the birth of your child. Thankfully, The Doula Girls offer continuous care from the time you sign the contract! If this means you need someone to vent to about the moving company losing your favorite slippers, call us! We are here for you and want to help you have a smooth and supported transition to your new city and as your family grows. 

There's nothing easy about moving to a new state or city, especially when pregnant or newly postpartum. But it doesn't have to be horrible either. Seek out support and plan ahead. You are on your way to a brighter future already!