My KC Doula

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The Best Place to Give Birth in Kansas City

I hear it a lot “what is the best place to give birth in Kansas City?”

Because I am a certified doula people have come to expect that I have lots of opinions on where and how to give birth! The truth is, I’m pretty unbiased!

One of our standing principles at My KC Doula is that we pride ourselves on being able to work with any care provider in any setting while supporting our clients and helping you make critical decision for your birth experience.

There are tons of places to give birth in Kansas City.

St. Lukes Hospital has four locations that provide women and baby care across the metro.

Research Hospital is a force for natural and medicated birth and patient satisfaction.

Liberty Hospital is located in the northland and often serves women in kearney and beyond.

North Kansas City Hospital delivers many babies in the northland kansas city area.

New Birth Company is THE free standing birth center in the area and gives families a new option when they don’t want to do a home birth but also don’t want a hospital experience.

University of Kansas Medical Center is placed right in the center of the metro and a great option for birth.

Olathe Medical Center has a brand new birthing suit setup that is comfortable and supportive for new parents.

Overland Park Regional has phenomenal care providers and nurses who will care for you every step of the way.

AdventHealth Shawnee Mission may have a new name but their care and amenities are bar none!

Truman Medical Center is smaller but packs a big punch when it comes to patient care!

Centerpoint Medical Center offers privacy and support throughout your labor.

So, which one is the best?

Short answer? Whichever one you feel comfortable giving birth in.

Wherever YOU choose is the best place to give birth, is the best place.

Whichever care provider helps YOU feel loved and supported is the best care provider and wherever You feel safe is the best place to birth.

There is no right answer and I constantly tell people that I have had amazing experiences at every single birthing facility on this list. I have been blessed to hop around and see the style of every hospital in the area and it has given me a greater picture of how great Kansas City actually is for birth.

Follow your instincts, follow the data, listen to the advice around you but in the end, know that you are in good hands wherever you choose if you are prepared and have the support you deserve.

Hire a doula that works well with many care providers, not just one or two and shows respect and support for the place YOU choose to give birth and you cant go wrong!