Comfort Measures in Labor
There are many options for non-pharmacological pain relief and coping mechanisms during
labor. Here are several to get you started!
Breathing and Sound:
• Rhythmic breathing can help you focus and stay on top of your contractions; pick a
pattern that works well for you and practice it before labor
• Moaning, and low-pitched sounds can help you cope with contractions while also
keeping your pelvis open and loose
• Avoid high-pitched sounds as they have a tightening effect on the pelvic outlet
• Can be helpful if your doula or partner breathes and/or moans with you
• Deep breaths also ensure that your baby is receiving enough oxygen
Massage and Physical Support:
• Firm, steady pressure on shoulders, back and upper arms
• Lighter massage of temples and head
• Back press on sacrum can aid back labor
• Hip squeezes can help relieve pressure during contractions
• Hand and foot massage in between contractions can re-focus and calm
• Any physical touch from partner or doula can offer grounding and reassurance during
• A hot shower, bath, or labor tub (hydrotherapy) can ease the pain of contractions and
allow for better control and calming
• Hot and/or cold packs on sore or painful areas (avoid extreme temperatures)
• Sitting on birth ball - aids in relaxation and relief of pressure
• Partner-supported squat - can help by taking your weight off you and allowing gravity to
work to your advantage
• Side-lying with peanut ball or pillow between legs - useful for resting while keeping
pelvic outlet open
• Side lunge - can help further open pelvic outlet if baby seems stuck or stalled
• Hands and knees position - takes pressure off the back if back labor is a problem
• Leaning over bed or birth ball allows for rest between contractions, and relieving
pressure from back
Try some on your own or ask one of your doulas to give you a specific run down of each option! Happy Birthing!