My KC Doula

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Kansas City Doulas

There are times in our lives when we have to do a little soul searching. The Doula Girls is a dream come true for me and something that I absolutely thrive on! I LOVE owning my own business and pouring my heart an soul into supporting women. But you know what else I love? My family. I love spending quality time with them. I love teaching my children and watching them blossom. I don't love being more connected to my phone than I am to them and for that reason I've decided to step back from my BIG dreams for The Doula Girls for a few years. 

I have been able to align myself with the best doulas that Kansas City has to offer, Kansas City Doulas and I couldn't be more excited! I am beyond thrilled to be able to live my passion of doula work and pursue my dream of being a rockstar of a mom. Heidi Shulista has made it possible for me to do both by setting up an amazing agency that fulfills the needs of every client and every contractor. I honestly don't know how she does it! 

I'm over the moon excited to have the opportunity to learn from this team of amazing doulas and grow with them throughout this next chapter of my life. 

I plan to continue to blog here and run The Doula Girls as usual but will do all scheduling through Kansas City Doulas. I simply can't wait to be able to offer my clients this opportunity to have the support of not just me, but an entire team of seasoned, professional doulas.