In A Room, Up the Stairs

A few months ago, I attended a quick and beautiful home birth. Today as I was reflecting on some of the birth experiences I’ve been a part of over the last few months, I decided I had a poem in my mind wanting to come out! I hope you enjoy it.

In a room up the stairs,
to the left
then straight back
A mother says a prayer

Contractions are becoming more than a “hug”
closer together
She breathes out, sharp
eyes closed

She’s a warrior

In a room , up the stairs
a heartbeat rings clear
with each little thump, we settle
breathing as one
focused on one

Her eyes reach out
take this away
this mantle, this path
please take this away

In a room up the stairs
she’s back, she’s in charge
we hold her and walk
one step closer to God

Warmth and care
Focus and love
She reaches within
we hold the moment

In a room up the stairs
she hollers and shouts
She’s doing it
she’s doing it
she’s done it

A world begins
A mother is reborn
A love is emerging before a thought was taken
he settles in, barely a cry
Mother, family

Fresh air hits my face
walking out of the room
the neighbors, asleep
lights off
new day
new life

Photo by: Birth Stories: Anna Pollitt Photography