Postpartum Support

What Do You Really Need After Baby?

What Do You Really Need After Baby?

You've had your baby and everyone wants to "help!"

Great! You could totally use the help! After all, you are currently in quite a bit of pain, alternating pain relievers like they're candy, leaking from various body parts and bleeding like your made of the dang stuff. Any help is so appreciated!

Postpartum Bleeding: When Will It Stop?

Postpartum Bleeding: When Will It Stop?

You planned for the pregnancy, you planned for the labor, you planned for the birth and you planned for the baby. Did you plan for the postpartum bleeding? Postpartum bleeding can take many women by surprise, especially those who have experienced a cesarean birth. Many think that because a baby was not delivered vaginally, that there wont be as much or the same type of bleeding. Heres the thing, all of our bodies do the exact same thing when we are pregnant. 

What Does it Look Like to Have Overnight Doula Support?

What Does it Look Like to Have Overnight Doula Support?

I'm writing this blog from a beautiful little nursery in Kansas City. I have a little time to spare between the next feeding and a nap I plan to take to get me through the night. 

I'm at an overnight shift. 

Did you know that Postpartum Doulas are specially trained in overnight care? Have you ever wondered what that even means or why it could be a game changer for your family?

Overnight postpartum care is the quintessential luxury for all new parents. When you are struggling to make it through nights, then days, then nights again with your newborn, many parents find comfort in knowing that their doula will soon stop in to save the day and allow them to rest for a whole 8 hours or more!