
What the Heck is a Bishop's Score?

What the Heck is a Bishop's Score?

Inductions: you may have heard of them. Around 25% of women choose to be induced for a myriad of reasons. So how do doctors know if this is a good choice for you? How can they be sure that baby is ready for birth? One way to plan for a successful induction is by calculating the womens bishop score. 

What the heck is a bishop's score?

An Unexpected Induced Birth

An Unexpected Induced Birth

"When I was 9 or 10, I went to a drama day camp where for one of the scenes, we were
told to dress up as what we wanted to be when we grew up. While my sister put on a lab coat
and borrowed a family friend's beaker, my mom helped me put my hair in a ponytail, adjusted her ring sling to as small as it would go, and I proudly wore my favorite baby doll in the middle of a stage full of miniature doctors, construction workers, and presidents.

Nearly 15 years later, I took my first ever pregnancy test, and stared it down as it
analysed. The minute it showed a positive result, I fell on the bathroom floor and cried. I was so happy and overwhelmed. I wanted to tell everyone and get everything ready right away."