Conceiving and growing two (or more!) babies at once rather than one is a pretty big deal. There are two tiny humans inside of you, which means your body is responsible for the development and health of double what a singleton Mom is responsible for. Is this a reason to panic?
The ABC's of Pregnancy: J is for Journal
The ABC's of Pregnancy: I is for Insomnia
Growing and carrying a human inside of you, while incredible, can also be quite taxing. Your healthcare provider, partner, and doula will always be encouraging you to get good rest, which will be difficult to do if you are experiencing pregnancy insomnia. If you are, you are not alone as it is estimated that about 75% of pregnant people are affected with some level of insomnia in pregnancy.
The ABC's of Pregnancy: H is for Heartburn
Must Haves for Early Pregnancy
When a lot of people think of doulas, they think about the time later in pregnancy. I think it’s because we are often equated to labor and delivery. This is a myth about doula work because one of my favorite things about being a doula is working with and getting to know moms during early pregnancy! There’s a lot thats going on with our bodies and it can feel a little scary or confusing when you don’t know what to expect. Here’s a list of 7 must have’s that I always suggest to my clients in that early pregnancy stage!