
Will Doulas Work well With My OB/GYN?

Will Doulas Work well With My OB/GYN?

One misconception that doulas often hear is "Oh, so you only attend home birth or births with midwives, right."

The answer? No! Doulas have the unique opportunity to attend birth with family practice doctors, OB/GYN, midwives and even home birth midwives. We have the opportunity to support women and families through every aspect of the birth process, in every setting. 

The problem lies in the past. Unfortunately there's been a few doulas who have left a bad taste in the mouth of the Doctors and sometimes even midwives that have worked with them. 

As professional doulas we strive to have positive interactions with all care providers. Heres four reasons why we work well with you OB/GYN or Midwife. (click on the link to read more!)

And Then I was Nursing Two Baby Bears...

And Then I was Nursing Two Baby Bears...

Pregnancy dreams!

I remember in my second trimester I had a very vivid dream that I was nursing two baby bears and they kept trying to bite my nipples! It was extremely unpleasant but when I woke up and discussed it with my doctor, he assured me that it was normal and that I may be having some fears associated with nursing. After thinking about it more, I realized he was right! I found a good friend who was a "nursing expert" and unloaded my fears to her. She was so helpful in calming me and helping me come to terms with my anxieties about the postpartum experiences.