Women are powerful.
Women have power.
Women are smart and women know what they want and don't want.
Think back: When was the last time you picked up your phone and invited a friend or acquaintance mom friend to do something with you and your kids? Now, i'm not talking your best friend or your kids best friend that they see every single day. I'm talking about the mom that you know but don't know that well. The one who's phone number you rarely use. The new mom in town or even the mom that you haven't seen for a year or two but follow faithfully on facebook?
Lets be honest, it's probably been a while or even never.
One misconception that doulas often hear is "Oh, so you only attend home birth or births with midwives, right."
The answer? No! Doulas have the unique opportunity to attend birth with family practice doctors, OB/GYN, midwives and even home birth midwives. We have the opportunity to support women and families through every aspect of the birth process, in every setting.
The problem lies in the past. Unfortunately there's been a few doulas who have left a bad taste in the mouth of the Doctors and sometimes even midwives that have worked with them.
As professional doulas we strive to have positive interactions with all care providers. Heres four reasons why we work well with you OB/GYN or Midwife. (click on the link to read more!)
In our fast paced world, more and more families are moving away from their hometowns, college towns and beyond. Gone are the days of families staying in one location as they grow. We are seeing a continued growth in families who are moving during difficult times in their lives including pregnancy, newly postpartum and other such circumstances.
Many women who move during their pregnancy feel very stressed of what's to come. There's a comfort in knowing that you will see the same OB or midwife practice throughout your pregnancy and postpartum period and it can be very stressful to change that at a moments notice. Forming that trusting bond with a care provider can take a while and when you don't have anyone's past experience to fall back on, it can be hard to know where to go from here. I've outlined three steps to take to have a healthier move while pregnant or newly postpartum.