Any woman who has looked into the art of placentophagy (consuming her placenta) has probably read or been told that the practice yields such pleasant-sounding benefits as improved mood, better sleep, increased bonding with baby etc. But what exactly is in this incredible organ that allows it to give postpartum Moms so many great benefits? In the following post I will elaborate a bit on the particular hormones, minerals and vitamins that the placenta contains and how they impact Mom's postpartum experience.
The ABC's of Pregnancy: I is for Insomnia
Growing and carrying a human inside of you, while incredible, can also be quite taxing. Your healthcare provider, partner, and doula will always be encouraging you to get good rest, which will be difficult to do if you are experiencing pregnancy insomnia. If you are, you are not alone as it is estimated that about 75% of pregnant people are affected with some level of insomnia in pregnancy.
Cleaning Lady In The Northland
Have you hired a cleaning lady to help clean your home?
Most mom’s days start before the kids wake up, and end well after they are in bed. Cleaning is all too often crammed in whenever there is a few spare minutes here and there or only when company is coming over. Here are four guilt free reasons why you should hire a cleaning service.
Breastfeeding and Sleep Training...Can you do both?
Many Moms ask this question when wanting to achieve longer stretches of sleep at night. Let’s first start off with how passionate I am about sleep training and providing your baby and family the tools and support to achieve independent sleep. Naturally, as a sleep coach, there is no question regarding this, but as a certified breastfeeding counselor, I am also passionate about maintaining a healthy breastfeeding relationship.