When I talk about my profession, I hear this question asked a lot. There are two very different schools of thought when people talk about cost of your doula.
Happy New Year Kansas City
My KC Doula
The Doula Girls has been quite the adventure! I began this business in North Liberty Iowa after my doula training in 2015. I wanted to start a business with a name that allowed for growth and movement. We weren't sure how long we would be living in Iowa and I didn't want to name a business something that couldn't move with me.
Four Star Certified and what that means for YOU!
This week I had the opportunity to take a call with Prodoula. Prodoula is my professional doula certifying agency. They have been a huge help throughout this process of becoming four star certified.
The call was a last step toward achieving my labor certification. I was also pleased to hear that I had passed the child birth education test with flying colors. This means that I am officially four start certified! I am currently certified in birth, postpartum, placenta encapsulation and child birth education!
So what does this mean for my clients?