Throughout my short time being a mother to young children, I have tried to explain many times the love, exhaustion, thrill, terror and wonder of being a parent. I have failed many times.
15 Minutes A Day Keeps the Therapist Away
This year, i've got GOALS! They may seem a little small and insignificant to some but thats actually the point of my goals. My goals are home goals, mother goals and thriving with my children goals. I've realized in the past few years that my children's childhood is SCREAMING by and I'm missing a lot of it.
Doing Hard Parenting Things Doesn't Have to Be Hard
Parenting is hard.
Like really really super hard.
Like, the hardest thing I've ever done hard.
Tiny humans (and medium sized humans and then big humans and sometimes humans that become bigger than you!) depend on you for literally everything that they possibly need to survive and flourish in society and life.