Babywearing, especially with twins, can be very helpful. You will have free hands to go about your daily tasks while still keeping that close contact your newborns need. The Kansas City Babywearing Society has a Twin/Tandem Wearing Meeting coming up on October 12, 2019.
Stop Stealing Everyone's Joy
Doing Hard Parenting Things Doesn't Have to Be Hard
Parenting is hard.
Like really really super hard.
Like, the hardest thing I've ever done hard.
Tiny humans (and medium sized humans and then big humans and sometimes humans that become bigger than you!) depend on you for literally everything that they possibly need to survive and flourish in society and life.
Favorite Fall Chili Recipe
The Best Bathtub for Baby
Bathtubs and babies dont mix.
When you're pregnant, you go to the baby store and buy the fanciest bathtub they have. All the bells and whistles, water temp thing to make sure the water is perfect, soft mat part for baby to lie on. Then the baby comes.
You quickly realize that the baby tub is a crock and it actually is the worst possible thing you've ever purchased.