I want to start this blog out by saying that I believe that a fed baby is the best kind of baby. I do not care how it's done but it needs to be done. I think the choice to breastfeed and formula feed are difficult decisions that come with their own set backs and triumphs. Motherhood is so hard and I stand by your choices.
Baby Acne And Why My Baby Looks Like A Troll
Four Star Certified and what that means for YOU!
This week I had the opportunity to take a call with Prodoula. Prodoula is my professional doula certifying agency. They have been a huge help throughout this process of becoming four star certified.
The call was a last step toward achieving my labor certification. I was also pleased to hear that I had passed the child birth education test with flying colors. This means that I am officially four start certified! I am currently certified in birth, postpartum, placenta encapsulation and child birth education!
So what does this mean for my clients?
Freddy's Birth Story
Be the Change
Think back: When was the last time you picked up your phone and invited a friend or acquaintance mom friend to do something with you and your kids? Now, i'm not talking your best friend or your kids best friend that they see every single day. I'm talking about the mom that you know but don't know that well. The one who's phone number you rarely use. The new mom in town or even the mom that you haven't seen for a year or two but follow faithfully on facebook?
Lets be honest, it's probably been a while or even never.