If you are looking for caring support for your entire family, and if you not only want to get some sleep, but also build confidence in who you are as a parent, all while having the availability of quality, reliable resources, a postpartum doula is for you. Contact My KC Doula to book a consult today!
The ABC's of Pregnancy: G is for Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes: pregnant women hear the word and curse under their breath. No one wants it but there’s not much you can do about it during pregnancy.
Babywearing With Twins
Babywearing, especially with twins, can be very helpful. You will have free hands to go about your daily tasks while still keeping that close contact your newborns need. The Kansas City Babywearing Society has a Twin/Tandem Wearing Meeting coming up on October 12, 2019.
Caring for Twins In Kansas City
Many parents find it hard for outsiders to comprehend the stress and anxiety that they experience when it comes to multiples. Mothers of twins find it hard to find time for rest, relaxation, or exercise. Here you’ll find some common care tips for you and your precious (sometimes overwhelming) twins.
Must Haves for Early Pregnancy
When a lot of people think of doulas, they think about the time later in pregnancy. I think it’s because we are often equated to labor and delivery. This is a myth about doula work because one of my favorite things about being a doula is working with and getting to know moms during early pregnancy! There’s a lot thats going on with our bodies and it can feel a little scary or confusing when you don’t know what to expect. Here’s a list of 7 must have’s that I always suggest to my clients in that early pregnancy stage!