I don't know how I got so lucky to do this work that I love, in both being a mother and being a doula. I am truly grateful.
Happy New Year Kansas City
The Washcloth and Why It's the Ultimate Birth Tool
My KC Doula
The Doula Girls has been quite the adventure! I began this business in North Liberty Iowa after my doula training in 2015. I wanted to start a business with a name that allowed for growth and movement. We weren't sure how long we would be living in Iowa and I didn't want to name a business something that couldn't move with me.
Four Star Certified and what that means for YOU!
This week I had the opportunity to take a call with Prodoula. Prodoula is my professional doula certifying agency. They have been a huge help throughout this process of becoming four star certified.
The call was a last step toward achieving my labor certification. I was also pleased to hear that I had passed the child birth education test with flying colors. This means that I am officially four start certified! I am currently certified in birth, postpartum, placenta encapsulation and child birth education!
So what does this mean for my clients?