Time To Go Back To Work After Baby=Time To PANIC

Time To Go Back To Work After Baby=Time To PANIC

If you’re part of an online support group, you may have seen glorious pictures of other moms’ freezers, stuffed full of the creamy goodness, and began to see that as the standard.  The truth is, no panic is necessary, and if you have 2 weeks before you go back to work, you can get a good amount of milk into the freezer in time.

5 Ways to Recover From a Not So Perfect Birth Experience

5 Ways to Recover From a Not So Perfect Birth Experience

Sometimes birth doesn't go the way we planned it. We plan and we plan and when the day finally comes, maybe it's not exactly what we thought it was going to be. Going into our birth experiences, we should always strive to have realistic expectations and understand that things could go a little crazy.