
Be the Change

Be the Change

Think back: When was the last time you picked up your phone and invited a friend or acquaintance mom friend to do something with you and your kids? Now, i'm not talking your best friend or your kids best friend that they see every single day. I'm talking about the mom that you know but don't know that well. The one who's phone number you rarely use. The new mom in town or even the mom that you haven't seen for a year or two but follow faithfully on facebook? 

Lets be honest, it's probably been a while or even never.

What Is An Empowering Birth Experience?

What Is An Empowering Birth Experience?

So many times in the past few weeks, the idea of an empowering birth experience has been brought up. I've had the opportunity to introduce myself as a doula multiple times and I'm still a little shocked at the relationship that has been put onto doulas and natural birth. 

I am not a natural birth advocate. 
I am a supporter of all things that empower my clients. 

Spotlight: Nickel and Suede

Spotlight: Nickel and Suede

When I moved to Kansas City, one of the woman that I met in my church community was Kilee Nickels. After a few weeks of walking around liberty and Kansas City I started to recognize a very specific leather tear drop earring attached to everyone's ear lobes. It seemed like everyone and their 12 year old daughter had a pair and I wanted to know where they came from! Come to find out Kilee Nickels, co-owner of Nickel and Suede and blogger at One Little Momma was the maker and mastermind behind the earrings and she had some big things in store!

(Click here to read more!)

How To Be a Better Mom Friend

How To Be a Better Mom Friend

There's no question that mommy hood is hard! I've heard it a million times, making mom friends is by far one of the most difficult things about mommy hood. Mothers are, on one hand, needing quality and fulfilling relationships with adults who speak actual words, and on the other, are completely and overwhelmingly exhausted from this thing called raising children. Its a catch 22 and today I want to give you some ideas of how to be a better mom friend. (Click here to read more)